
  • Portrait of a People: The Tiwi of Northern Australia

    Portrait of a People: The Tiwi of Northern Australia

    Portrait of a People is Heide Smith's second book about the Tiwi people of northern Australia, resulting from her many visits between 1987 and 2007. Portrait of a People is not only a collection of striking portraits of the Tiwi people, it also documents Tiwi history, lifestyle, culture and art.
  • Tiwi Meet the Future

    Tiwi Meet the Future

    In 1705, Dutch navigator Van Delft was instructed to explore the north coast of Nova Hollandia. Tiwi Meet the Future: Ngawurraningimarri - All Come Together celebrates this exploration, as well as the relationship between the Dutch and the Tiwi people throughout the history of the region.
  • Tiwi Plants and Animals

    Tiwi Plants and Animals

    Tiwi Plants and Animals documents scientific names, common English names and the Tiwi names and uses of 216 plants and 171 animals of the Tiwi Islands. It was prepared by Tiwi elders as a legacy for future generations and in memory of previous generations. This book provides an insight into one of Australia's most vibrant Aboriginal cultures.
  • Tiwi Plants and Animals Calendar

    Tiwi Plants and Animals Calendar

    The Tiwi Plants and Animals Calendar illustrates the seasonal availability of key plant and animal resources used by the Tiwi people.
  • Tiwi Seasons Calendar

    Tiwi Seasons Calendar

    The Tiwi Seasons Calendar illustrates the three main seasons, 13 minor overlapping seasons and indicator species recognised by the Tiwi people.